Step 1: Application
An application letter (pdf format, 1 page max.) should be sent by email to algosb-coordinators@laas.fr with Subject "AlgoSB application", by September 22, 2013. The application should provide a mini-vitae or a pointer to the full vitae, a presentation of the applicant's research interests, and a few lines commenting on the synergy that may arise on one's research given the courses that will be taught.
The school is primarily intended for reserachers in French public laboratories and universities as well as to PhD students, but should places be available, applications from other countries and from the industry will also be considered. A maximum of 50 participant will be accepted.
A notification of acceptance will be provided by September 30, 2013. It is expected that all accepted students will participate to the entire school.
Step 2: Registration
Registration fees (VAT 19.6% included)
The registration fees cover:
Fees will be returned in full for any written cancellation received before November 1, 2013.
No refund will be made after this date.
The online registration website will be available by October 2013